Focus on values

When you love what you do, you take pride in doing it to the best of your ability. That’s how we go about our business at Focus.

We’re not so much a team as a family of passionate, friendly professionals who find real inspiration in the work we do and the excellence we consistently deliver. Like any good family, we have each other’s backs. Trust and respect are the qualities that define our working relationships both within and outside the company. 

For our people, this translates into a strong culture of support, togetherness, and open communication. For our clients, it means rewarding collaborations rooted in absolute professionalism and exemplary service – we always know how to put our best foot forward.

And finally, we never forget how lucky we are to be in the business of making good times happen. So, we make sure we enjoy it too.

Focus on sustainability

We recognise that our industry owes a debt to the planet, and we are committed to a sustainable future that redresses the wasteful habits of the past.

First and foremost, this means being accountable for our own operations, as a company and as individuals. We believe in continually improving our environmental performance, reducing our carbon footprint and minimising our impact today and for the long term. 

Wherever there is a need for change, we’re taking action to meet or exceed the goals we set ourselves:

• Reduce energy consumption
Reduce waste
• Reduce pollution
• Educate
• Assess progress

To maintain forward momentum, we continually assess our progress against these goals.

We also strive to be a vocal leader in our industry’s transition to a sustainable future. We’re dedicated to understanding the environmental issues our industry faces, starting meaningful conversations, raising awareness, challenging inertia, changing mindsets, and driving positive outcomes for all.

We believe that together, in an environment of mutual trust and respect, we can create a socially aware and ecologically responsible live events industry. We are 100% committed to playing our part.

Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion

Supported. Valued. Respected. Safe. Appreciated. Accepted. This is how we want every member of the Focus team to feel at work. And we’re dedicated to creating a workplace where every voice, every experience, every idea is heard.

The more diverse, inclusive, equitable, fair and happy our culture is, the more open and confident our people feel. With that feeling comes the implicit sense of trust and belonging to unlock unique talents and fulfil individual potential. 

Unexpected questions are asked, orthodox thinking is undermined and the status quo is challenged. This is the space where creativity flourishes and new solutions are found. It’s also where individuals feel empowered to seize initiative and take on responsibility.

Our work is better for it and our clients get better results. It’s a truly virtuous circle and it’s the work community we strive to create every day at Focus.

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